Bug just finished her first week of homeschool. There was much excitement when she spotted these tracks on the driveway. She grabbed a book she got for her birthday that has life-sized animal tracks in it. I got her to the most likely page and she looked them over a bit before declaring them to be raccoon tracks.

We made our own "fossils", too. You can't see them very well in this shot, but you CAN see Bug's "new" chair. She loves it.
On the left is a tomato leaf. The "fossil" on the right is a feather.
Bug finished off her MUS Primer math book. She's a bit excited to be moving on the the next book!

One day she drew a huge panther on the sidewalk.
While working on the panther, she found a slug. We moved it from the grass to the sidewalk with a stick, so that we could get a good look at it. It was MUCH smaller than the slugs we saw in Washington. Thankfully.