Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Southwind Treasures

Southwind Treasures
Click the t-shirt to see where Bug & I get our tie-dyed clothes.

Doris Mae

Doris Mae
Click on the photo to follow the travels of our geocaching travel bug, Doris Mae.
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Monday, August 24, 2009

Eco Discovery Tour

Bug's aunt & uncle stopped for a visit. They are driving around the country in a 1962 Airstream Flying Cloud on the Eco Discovery Tour. Here is Bug with Uncle John, Aunt Kate and "Doris Mae".

Bug's favorite part seemed to be the pillows!

Here Bug and her aunt are enjoying the all-wool bed. Yes, knitters, a WOOL BED!

Speaking of knitting, I made a pair of socks for my sister. I was worried that they'd be too small, but it seems that they were just right. Now to see how durable they are...
Here I am, looking like a giant next to my "big sister". Ha.

Bug thought that Uncle John needed some help with washing the truck...
As you can see here, she didn't get to keep the hose...but she got it back and John was soaked.

This toad made an appearance over the weekend, too. We're hoping to see it again.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School work

Bug really enjoys history. The program we follow often has her draw a picture of what we just read about. Here are 2 recent ones that I really like.

The first one is King Nebuchadnezzar after he went mad and was acting like an animal.

This is Harpagus, carrying the king's grandson to the mountains to be killed. (the baby was not killed and grew up to be Cyrus the Great)

If you know Bug, you know that she almost always has a hat on. This was written after her bath the other day. Her hair was wet and I had told her that she couldn't have a hat on.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fun at festivals and with friends.

This first pic is from July. We spent the day at the Stockholm Art Fair. Lucky for Bug, the playground is right next to the stage, so she was able to play while her dad & I enjoyed the music. Here she is on what I call The 4-Tiered Spinning Tower of Death....although there were only a couple of minor falls.

A couple of weeks ago, I took Bug and 2 friends to the children's museum. Here there are working in the convenience store.

They each took a turn on the climbing wall. This was the highest that Bug has ever gotten, so we were excited.

L. almost made it to the top!

E., oldest of them all, made it all the way to the top.

Bug found an old, empty tv set and crawled inside.

This is Bug's favorite thing...the giant TEETH.