Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stockholm Art Fair

We spent last Saturday at the Stockholm Art Fair. It's always fun. The weather was perfect, the music was great. Bug was thrilled that they had added to the play area.

Here she is on the spinning rings of death. (Bug is in brown)
With her buddy, Yata.

Our former neighbor, Angela, had this lovely piece on display.

Check out the title....

Bug goes for a spin. DON'T JUMP!!!

Bug was happy when she realized that she was big enough to push the other kids this year.
Will she do it?
A new skill was mastered...Bug had never tried this before. I helped her one time and that was it. I'm not sure how many times she did this in the 5 hours we were there...but it was a lot.


Anonymous said...

Was there a ferris-wheel? Did you go on it?

auntiebonita said...

She's looking so big! I take it that it wasn't as hot as 2 years ago. That was wicked.