Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Southwind Treasures

Southwind Treasures
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Doris Mae

Doris Mae
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Monday, June 29, 2009


Bug has NOT wanted to try riding her bike without training wheels. She pretty much panics at the mention of it. We got her a new bike this spring and I took the pedals, cranks, etc. off of the littler one. She would push herself around on that and was getting really good at balancing on it. She would ride the new one around, but only with training wheels. We were given a 20" bike that we didn't plan on using until she was a bit taller. She really wanted to give it a try yesterday, so her dad said that he'd hold on and they could go around the block. They weren't even to the corner when she asked him to let go. As it was on a busy street, he told her she'd have to wait until they got to the big parking lot. He let go and she never looked back.

After they came home and told me the news, I went out and removed the training wheels from the 18" bike. (a better fit for her right now) I then took her back to the parking lot (right next door and empy...yay) for some riding and photos. She's so happy and proud of herself.

Such focus...
I suspect this is the view I'll have most often....

First baseball game.

We won free tickets to a baseball game. Bug had a pretty good time...mostly wanted to eat, although that was difficult, as she had a tooth that NEEDED to come out and she was pretty much willing it to stay in.

Here she is with the mascots. She thought that they were really cool.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Missing teeth and a beautiful butterfly.

The 3 of us spent saturday at the Maiden Rock Summerfest. The weather was perfect, the parade was crazy (I only got hit with candy one time), the food was tasty and the music was GREAT! During Patchouli's set, Bug's top tooth fell out. It had been barely there for a while and while eating chicken a little earlier in the day it had gotten pushed back up and turned. OUCH. After she told the band what had happened, they played her favorite Patchouli song for her: Indiana.

Before we left, Bug & her dad found this fluttering around on the ground. The picture doesn't capture the colors like we saw them. It was beautiful.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Fun in Lake City.

Bug and I spent the weekend in Lake City. The Boy graduated from high school and the party was on Sunday. Here he is with his "real mom" and his "cool mom" (that's ME!)

I made some socks for the Boy's mom. She loves them.
Bug has been a kitty for a while, now. Isn't she cute?
Here she is, yawning.

Bug found this mask and thought that it was VERY cool.