Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Southwind Treasures

Southwind Treasures
Click the t-shirt to see where Bug & I get our tie-dyed clothes.

Doris Mae

Doris Mae
Click on the photo to follow the travels of our geocaching travel bug, Doris Mae.
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Family photo...

I keep forgetting to post this "lovely" family photo. We were at the mall the weekend before Christmas (yes, we're crazy) and I forced everyone into a photo booth. Much fun was had by all, as you can see.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas - part 3

After emptying our stockings, we hopped into the van and headed across the state to Grandma's house. Here's Bug when we were about 10 minutes away.

There were a few gifts waiting for her there...

Uncle Larry & Aunt MaryLee made a good choice, it would seem...
Grandma got Bug the Littlest Pet Shop Clubhouse (or something like that)

Of course, the child who's had Chinese food weekly (or more) since she was old enough to eat (and is now learning Mandarin) NEEDS this Littlest Pet Shop pet. Check out the giant fortune cookie!

We're going to have fun with this, I suspect.

There's always room for one more kitty.

Ooh...cousin M did a good job, too! Look at the excitement on Bug's face. Dragonology!
Cousin S was drawing & writing later in the evening. She kept hoping that the new markers were scented...but they weren't. You can see every color that she used, though.

Christmas - part 2

Christmas morning, before heading to Milwaukee.

Bug made this sign and put it on the room where the tree and stockings were.

Santa filled Bug's stocking AND hung a purse on the doorknob for her, too.

Santa came through with something she'd really, REALLY wanted.

This WALL-E book is really cool. It has lots of the early drawings and layouts.

Fun CD! Here Comes Science by They Might Be Giants .

Bug checked out her cat, Purrl's stocking, too.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas - part 1

The snow/wind/rain/ice kept us from visiting my sister today, so we decided to open our presents. I was able to completely surprise Bug's dad! As soon as he saw the case he knew what it was (it came from the shop he works at) but he had had no idea that I was buying it. Yay!
It's a Yamaha Silent guitar...very cool design. In this shot he doesn't have the upper bout attached yet. Because it is removable, I was able to get the case into a box that was narrower than most guitar boxes...he had no idea. I think he likes it!
Bug still loves Wall-e, so we got her a few things.

Bug used to have what she called a "grabber arm"or "robot arm". It broke a while back and she'd been asking for another. I spotted these online and ordered a pair. She was thrilled.

The big hit was the WowWee Alive Tiger Cub...there was a 50% off sale, so we got it as kind of a last minute addition. She LOVES it and informed us that his name is Hobbes and he will be sleeping in her bed tonight.

This is cool, but kind of funny right now, as we're in the midst of a's a "make your own glacier" kit...

When I saw this book, I knew that I had to get it for the girl.

Bug thought that this package looked like a giant piece of candy. Sadly, it was not.

It did, however, contain not 1 but TWO new Beatles shirts!
Tomorrow we get to empty our stockings and see what Santa brings...stay tuned for part 2.

Monday, December 21, 2009

More birds.

I managed to get a shot of the Red-Bellied Woodpecker this morning. It doesn't stay very long, so I had to be quick.

The Downy Woodpecker spends a LOT of time on the suet feeder.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The birds are back in town...

We feed the birds year-round, but this time of year they get crazy. The sparrows are a bit annoying, but the others make up for that. Bug can identify all of the birds that come to our feeders. She learned them just by me pointing them out to her. We saw a new bird yesterday....a female Norther "Yellow Shafted" Flicker. We were quite excited, but didn't have the camera nearby. Hopefully it'll come again. We've also got a Red-bellied Woodpecker who stops by a few times each day, but doesn't stay for long. Hopefully we'll get a photo soon. We've also see a couple of Juncos the past couple of days.

Here's what I saw this morning: a female Hairy Woodpecker. (we've got a pair of these that stop by)

A female downy woodpecker. (we've got a pair of these, too)

A Black-Capped Chickadee. A brave/friendly bird. This is the bird most likely to come to the feeder while I'm filling another feeder.

The "sparrow tree". We get up to 3 dozen sparrows in/under this tree at times.

My bird-watching companion, Purrl. She's lying in her bed. It's her favorite spot in the house.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Gold belt!

Bug tested for, and earned, her gold belt tonight! She's so proud of herself.

Here she is blocking and punching.

I believe that she just broke out of a choke hold, here.

Fighting stance.

This is fuzzy, but it's when she's being awarded her belt. I love her smile in the mirror.

This is a shot of all of the kids who tested tonight, along with thier instructor (blue uniform) and 2 adult black belts who helped out. Bug is on the left, in front of the kid in the black uniform.
Posing with her instructor, Mr. T.

Fighting stance...trying not to smile.