Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Southwind Treasures

Southwind Treasures
Click the t-shirt to see where Bug & I get our tie-dyed clothes.

Doris Mae

Doris Mae
Click on the photo to follow the travels of our geocaching travel bug, Doris Mae.
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fun in our hometown.

 "The Boy" (my friend's son...I was his babysitter until he was about 5...I'm his "cool mom") turned 21 on Saturday. We drove to my hometown (where he lives) and took him out for lunch. We had a great visit with him. I made this leather journal for him. I hadn't made one in this style before. It turned out pretty well, I think. He seemed to like it.

 They were having a "Trunk or Treat" event downtown in the afternoon. We went to The Boy's house (where he lived when I was his babysitter) so that Bug could change into her costume...the Mad Hatter again. 

 We parked the van and Bug led to way to the candy. Her dad pointed out that watching her walk in front of us, she didn't really look much different than any other day...

 We ran into some kids who were in ECFE classes with Bug when they were babies/toddlers...AND convinced them to sit on a bench for a few seconds so that  I could take a photo.

We also stopped by our former neighbor's house. They really like Halloween. Bug didn't want to leave. 

We may stay with The Boy next year and help these guys. Bug was ready to head back there on Monday. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

We had a visitor.

 Earlier this week I got a message on facebook from a friend in my hometown. She told me about this Australian guy (Mick)who had stopped by the shop where she works to have some work done on his computer. She found out that he is walking the entire length of the Mississippi River. If you want to know more about him and why he's doing this, check out his blog:

*if you or someone you know lives along the Mississippi River and are willing to let Mick set his tent up in your yard, you can send him an email...go to the blog address above and click on "contact me"*

She said that he would be coming through the town where we now live. I sent Mick an email and offered our yard to him. I heard back from him that he'd be coming by sometime Saturday afternoon. Bug had Chinese class at 3:00 and we hadn't seen him yet, so I had her make signs for both doors so that if he showed up while Bug's dad was dropping us off (which he did) he would know that he was in the right spot.

When Bug's dad picked us up after class, Mick was with him. We were all quite hungry, so we headed to the Chinese buffet. We ate well and chatted for a while. We then headed back to our place to visit some more. Bug had to check out Mick's tent.

 At some point, Bug had mentioned that she likes to make books. She vanished into her room for a while, then brought this out for Mick. She made sure that he put his name on it.

 Before we knew it, Bug fell asleep on the couch...earlier than usual, even! She woke around 2:30am and moved to her room.

 She was up before Mick, in anticipation of the blueberry  muffins she knew that I'd be making. After breakfast, Bug got out her dragon books and taught Mick a bit about them. I love her expression in the first photo!

Before long, it was time for Mick to pack his gear. Bug helped.

 Bug spotted a small orange pouch and asked what it was. Mick opened it up and showed her that it was a rain cover for his back pack. He then showed her how it went back together and told her that she could do that while he finished folding the tent and put it in the bag.

 Then he said it would be a race. She laughed. Nervously, I think.

I think it was a tie.

Before we knew it, it was time to start walking. Bug walked him to the corner.

He unhooked the wagon from his pack so that Bug could pull it.

Then it was time for hugs.

And he crossed the street....

Good luck, Mick. Safe travels. Thanks for spending some time with us.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gerda Weissman Klein

We had a wonderful opportunity last night. A local college had Gerda Weisseman Klein giving a talk. She was amazing. She's an 87-year-old Holocaust survivor. She had a knee replacement and got a pacemaker 8 weeks ago. She gave a talk to middle and high school students that morning, then spoke again at 7PM and followed that by signing MANY copies of her books.

We're studying American history this year, but won't be getting to the Holocaust until later in the year. We gave Bug a crash-course so that she'd have some knowledge before hearing Mrs. Klein. Miss Sherri, our children's librarian, suggested that she read Number the Stars.  When Bug got to the table to get her book signed, the local teacher who was instrumental in setting up the talk asked her a few questions, including "Have you read Number the Stars?" and seemed a bit surprised when Bug said "Yes!" We also have an abridged version of The Diary of Anne Frank which she also read.

We picked up a copy of Gerda's book, All But My Life, which I had checked out from the library and read before the talk. After getting it signed, I took this photo of Bug with Gerda and the local teacher. I only had my cell phone with no flash, unfortunately.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Girl Scout cookies!

Bug is selling Girl Scout cookies for the first time. I took this photo on Friday, while she was making her first sale.

A new kitten!

 She doesn't have a name yet, but this is the newest member of our family.
We're having fun watching her discover new things. Here are a couple of video clips followed by several photos.

New toy!

Fun in the litter box.