Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
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Sunday, December 23, 2012

The wrapping of the money - 2012 version

 2 years ago, my nephew's answer to "What do you want for Christmas?" was "Money". If you missed that post, you can see what I did here.

Last year he got a hand-knit hat and seemed a bit sad that there wasn't one piece of tape involved in the packaging.

This year he got money again. Here's what I did.

Since Bug is into Harry Potter right now, I had ordered some empty Christmas crackers, so decided to use one for this.

 There was a sheet of card stock with lines and the numbers 1-20 on it.

20 small squares of paper with the numbers 1-20 on one side and a letter on the other side. 

These were folded and then put inside the cracker.

The cracker was put in a box.

I saw this and knew that it would annoy him. (he's a Vikings fan)

Then I got out the duct tape.  :)

I then used some wrapping paper, then put that into a bigger box and taped the card stock to one of the flaps. 

The larger box got a bit of duct tape....just enough to close it. 

Then I wrapped that. 

He got to the outer box and bit of duct tape...easy.

Then he got to the smaller box....while he went to get his knife, he handed the box off to his helper to see if she could open it. She couldn't.

He finally got the duct tape off and got to the cracker. He pulled it open and the little folded bits of paper went flying everywhere...and he realized that he might need them.

Then he had to unfold all of the tiny bits...

Once he got them in order, he realized that it said "your gift is in the dryer". I love the look that he's giving me here.  :)  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1Sounds awesome! You are very clever indeed.