Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
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Friday, March 17, 2006

Toe-up socks

I'm trying socks from the toe-up...again. I've had no luck with a few other patterns, so I'm doing a short-row toe & heel sock. It seems to be working.

They do look rather odd without a foot in them. I'll have Bug model them when they're done. I got a few inches of the leg done last night. They should be finished by Sunday.
I'm using Schachenmayr Crazy Cotton yarn and, I think, size 3 needles...The toe and heel are shaped with short-rows. There's a 4X2 ribbing on the top of the foot that will continue onto the leg.


Kirsten said...

Hi, this is leafylady, aka Kirsten, aka knitstel
Thursdays are my day off, so that's a good day to be spending in LaX. The Stellas might even want to play in a park if it's a good day. Remind me as the day gets closer.

Anonymous said...

This is odd... all it matters is if there is no Emily comment to YOU! I will write a comment. This is only you and me talk. I pick anoymous and if it's the last thing you do that I tell you.

Tell Stella.
