Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Doris Mae

Doris Mae
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Saturday, October 07, 2006

What to read next?

We just finished reading "Paddington on Top"...not sure what we'll read next. Maybe some fairy tales or Alice in Wonderland...or something by Roald Dahl. The Bug is napping right now (took a hike up the bluff with Daddy) so I'll look through some books after she wakes.

Bug to go to her first play the other day. We saw "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and Other Stories". It was GREAT. We were in the front row. She said her favorite story from the play was "Master Man", so I guess we'll check the library for that this week.

We'll be going to a local art studio for "open studio time" on most Tuesdays for the rest of the year. It's $3 for an hour and a half. She gets to use whatever materials she wants. (there's an extra fee if they use REALLY expensive stuff, I guess)
Pre-school storytime at the library starts on Wednesday. Always a good time.

We're learning about animals this month. We studied mammals last week.
She's doing great with the calendar. It's the first thing we do after breakfast.
We've been learning lots of poems/nursery rhymes. I put a bunch of them into a tiny book that we made. As she memorizes them, she draws a picture on the opposite page. She's enjoying that quite a bit.
We're learning about the artist, Jackson Pollock, this month. She's not too sure about throwing paint around. We'll be doing some drip-painting this week. Wish me luck!
The girl has been getting a lot of hiking in with her dad. We're ALL going up the bluff tomorrow. She's also enjoying riding her bike and walking downtown with me. She's also so very brave at the playground now. At the beginning of the summer, she wouldn't go down the "twisty slide" without Daddy. Now, he gets to stay with me and watch her. She's climbing on everything.
Bug is also learning about children in other countries. When we do our weekly Five in a Row book, we get out our "Children Like Us" book and look up the country that the story takes place in. So far we've looked at kids from France, Spain and China. We see their houses, schools, food, families, how they write their names.


Andrew said...

I smiled at the Jackson Pollock and throwing paint around bit! My kids would love that! I love how you are exposing her to so many different things.. you are such an amazing mommy! My own mom used to do all that for me and I am seriously slacking with my own kids! *sigh* I hope things will change when I get my own car! Love reading your blog, Terri (time for an update, no??);)

Big hugs to you guys!

Anonymous said...

I have the movie, Alice In Wonderland. For I never watched it in a long time.
I watched Underdog yestrday, and I can't get it out of my head, as if you should see it. And please say that you'll buy it for her to enjoy.

Have fun!!!