Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Southwind Treasures

Southwind Treasures
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Doris Mae

Doris Mae
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Thursday, May 17, 2007

More birthday fun!

Bug's daddy was home on Wednesday, so we picked up her friend, C, and took them out for lunch at the Chinese Buffet. They were very happy to see each other.

We then headed down to L.A.R.K. Toys. As we entered the building, the girls put on necklaces that had wooden discs on them. They were to keep away the resident trouble-making troll, "Kral". I was able to convince them to not run off by telling them that the magic of the necklaces did NOT work for adults, therefore we needed to stay together so that Kral wouldn't get us. Here they are, wearing them, and showing off their carousel tokens.

This is the coolest carousel I've ever seen. Bug rode the goldfish first, then the goose.

C opted for the giraffe, then the unicorn.

Of course, one must find/try on hats anywhere and everywhere.

Before we left, we walked over to the mini-golf course to see the blue and pink water in the waterfalls. We also spotted the "Troll Station". After we looked and assured them that it was empty, the girls stepped in for a photo.

Ever since she was a baby, Bug has rubbed things on her nose for comfort. Here, she's sharing her favorite pillow with C, who was convinced to give "nose rubbing" a try.

Bug's dad stopped to check out a store. While we waited for him, C suggested that Bug open her gift...a bag full of art supplies! She was most happy with the HUGE set of markers.

Before going home, we stopped for ice cream. Always a good thing.

Bug slept until 9am.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Bug is FIVE!!!!!!!!

The thing Bug wanted most was a blue skirt (with matching hat) from Wild Child in Madison. I promised them before checking to see if they had any in stock. After telling her they wouldn't be dying blue for a few months, I got a call saying that they'd just gotten a big order and could do it. Yay!
I'd ordered two additional hats. When the package arrived, there were a total of FIVE hats. I found a note saying that the extra two were colors they weren't doing any more. Since she loves bright colors AND their hats, they thought that she might like them. They even wrote "happy birthday". Very nice. Bug was quite happy, as you can see here.
On Saturday night, we went to the Moon where Bug's daddy was sitting in with a band. I won't name names, but Bug's weirdness is most definitely NOT from MY side of the family....
Here she is this morning, showing me how old she is.

WA...part 7, heading home.

Finally, it was time to go home. Bug shed a few tears, but bounced back. Here she's just discovered that if she stands on the bench, she's almost as tall as Uncle Craig.

Bug made many friends on the train. Here she is with Isaiah. He's 11 and plans to be a mortician. Very nice, FUNNY kid.

Bug & McKinley had a great time. Much giggling. She was going home to Canada.

And then we have Roger....he was travelling with a large group. We first met him in the lounge car, where he was doing video interviews with members of his group. He spotted Bug and did a short interview with her. She gave him a hug as he left, and that was that. Any time she spotted that hat it was "hi Roger!" This was right before we got home. Roger was on his way to breakfast, so we knew it was the last time we'd see him. She called out "goodbye Roger" and as he turned around, she spotted THE SHIRT. She yelled out "HOLY HORSESHOE" and everyone laughed. (she'd watched a 1960s Batman movie in WA) I told Roger we MUST have a pic, so I had them say "holy horseshoe" for the pic which is why Bug's mouth is a little odd....

Finally...I got them all up. Now I can go post birthday photos....

WA...part 6, Wednesday

On Wednesday we went to the Burke Museum on the campus in Seattle. We took these pics outside, but weren't allowed to take any inside. Bug was SO excited to see "dinosaur skeletons...for REAL". The triceratops skull that was bigger than her body was quite impressive.

We then walked around the campus for a bit. Cousin Nick had met us at the museum, so he gave us a quick tour. Bug asked what "college" was. We explained and said that maybe she'd go to this school someday. She thought a moment and said "hmmm...I think I'll teach here". (she's planning to be a science teacher)

We were able to see Mt. Ranier a bit. Bug was thrilled to see yet another volcano.
Cousin Todd stopped by with his new truck. Bug was in awe. She had to be in it.
And she had to be on it.

Friday, May 04, 2007

WA...part 5, Tuesday

We started the day at Imagine, in Everett WA. Bug had a blast. Here she is, "flying" a plane. She loved buckling herself into the seats, as well.
At one point, they announced that the roof was open. Up we went. Bug's eyes got HUGE when she spotted this dinosaur up there.
This cow had water inside it so the kids could actually "milk" it.
After lunch, we went to Puget Sound. Here Bug watches a ferry full of cars & people go across.

Of course, you've GOT TO throw rocks in the water.

This stump was a bit big...

WA....part 4, Monday

Yes, I'm a slacker....but I'm getting it done.

First up, we've got Bug at her breakfast spot of choice for the week. She loved watching the squirrels on the tree outside the window.
Here she is inside a HUGE tree. It was raining and she was NOT happy.

As we got near this bridge, Bug squealed and yelled "a suspension bridge!!" She's got a video about different kinds of bridges, so was thrilled to see this.

Here she is, with the Skagit River flowing behind her. She was amazed that the water was GREEN.

When we got across the bridge, Bug found a great trail, so we took a little walk.

The trees are REALLY BIG.

This was great fun. More importantly, there was a slug on the ground just outside it. (yes, I took a pic, but you don't have to see it)

Next up, Tuesday's adventures.