Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

School time!

Bug & I started our schoolyear on Monday. She was writing, so I suggested she write a list of things she likes to eat:

Here she is, hard at work on some math. The look on her face in these two photos is too funny.

Here's a happy girl. It was time to do a science experiment. She's holding a Gummi Bear. We had to measure it and then put it in a glass of water overnight. She correctly guessed that it would get bigger. She also learned the word "osmosis".


denise said...

Fun! Which math and science books are those? :)

Did you escape the flooding?

Bug's mom said...

The science experiment book is something I found in the dollar section at Target. It was marked as grades 2-3...I just have to read it for her. She's loving it.

As for math, we're using Math-U-See. The spelling of the name annoys me, but I managed to get over it, as I really like the program.

Anonymous said...

Does she know gymnastics?