Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Thursday, March 06, 2008

We've got a knitter!

Bug has always enjoyed playing with yarn and whenever I'd ask her if she wanted to learn how to knit she would say "When I'm bigger." Last Saturday, while at the local yarn shop, she saw a 5-year-old girl who was knitting. The next day, I got out some yarn and needles and knit a couple of rows for her. I then taught her a poem to remember what to do. (she loves poems)
She was so proud of herself!

Bug also confused her daddy last weekend. He was outside and she opened the door and shouted "Dad, I need the grass measurer!" It took me a minute to figure it out....she wanted the yard stick!


Bonita said...

Oh no! What are you doing to her? You know how hard it is to give up knitting once you start.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of her. Knitting all by herself. I never done it, and Stella- she might become an expert someday. I hope she keeps trying, and don't make any mistakes. Again, I am so proud of her.