Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Our new rig.

Bug & I have been having a grand time on this the past several days. She tends to giggle a lot while riding, because, as she says "we're going so fast". (which we're not, but it IS faster than she goes on her bike) She was especially happy to get her very own cycling gloves and BLUE water bottle.


denise said...

Cute! My 4 year old LOVES his third wheel too...

Andrew said...

That bike is the COOLEST!!! I love it!! Fun times!

Anonymous said...

Here is a sad story about my neck;

my mom was driving through in the driveway. She ran over one of the training wheels. I was about to ride it, but it was too late. My bike got a traingwheel sideways, and one wase'nt. My mom said sorry, I felt a little better, still was sad.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant my bike, not my neck!!!!!!!!