Doris Mae II

Doris Mae II
Our newest travel bug. Follow her adventures!


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Doris Mae
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Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Portland on a Wednsesday

This is Bug on our balcony, wearing the sweater that I knit for her. She discovered a cat that had a bed in a window nearby and enjoyed looking for it each day.

We went to Powell's City of Books, first. We may schedule an entire day there on our next trip...and bring an empty suitcase to bring books home in.

Bug's dad was heading to a guitar shop to show them some pedal designs, so Bug & I stopped at Blick's Art Supply before going to the guitar shop.

We spotted this cool robot made from everyday materials. 

 We had a bit of a hike ahead of us, so we stopped for some pizza. Bug LOVED the name of this place...Pizza Schmizza.

We came across the gate to Chinatown.

Our next stop: Voodoo Doughnut!

The bacon maple bar...not a big hit. 

The Marshall Matters, on the other hand, was devoured!
 Bug's dad had some more business to take care of. We left him there and headed to a couple of yarn shops. :)

  Bug and her new pal.

Of course, silly faces must be made.  :P

 I forgot to post this shot from earlier in the week. Bug is standing on the roof of the hotel. We didn't spend much time there as we were out & about all day. By the time we got back each night, either it was too chilly or (more often) we were too tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet she had a lot of fun! I know I would've!